Public View

Public communication is a crucial component of creating Impact

There are many valid reasons for measuring the social, economic and environmental impacts of your organisations’ activities.  Some of these should be used internally, for example, mapping carbon can be used to reduce costs of production. However a consistent challenge is the communication to your communities, investors, and other stakeholders of your contribution to a wider social purpose.  Our ability to gather your data and then present it in a way the public can access it is critical in ensuring that the achievement are communicated.

Socio economic impact of Hinkley Point Construction

Our Gateway and portal system allows Tier 1 suppliers to login and directly update their supply chains.  We link this to the Contract manager module to allow both Tier 2 and 3 supply chain visibility and management.  This also allows searches for recurring suppliers which we use to develop risk models, and allow for searches right across large supply chains with multiple suppliers.

Supplier information and intelligence

We then combine multiple different information sources for example Dunn and Bradstreet, with supplier location, and value.  This then creates insights not available or visible in any other way.  By using machine learning we can discover previously unforseen risk and see how to optimise supply chain composition.


Our spotlight tool then collects and present the infomation in the most appropriate form for the user Contract manager, Executive team, Stakeholder.  To see, search and analyse further.  The shows our projection model used as part of the Sizewell application process using empirical data from Hinkley Point C.

If you need more information or have any questions don’t hesitate to contact us directly.

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